...my heart was broken by Li Kai.
And you probably think that I'm pathetic
for never getting over it.
But at least I had a heart to break.
I don't need your pity.
And what do you know of my heart?
Nothing whatsoever...
...because you never felt that
I was worth sharing your feelings with.
You're wrong.
Ever since Mom died,
you acted more like a parent than a sister.
You shut me out.
I thought you hated me.
I broke the plate.
It's okay.
Hi, if it's Bo-Kang, stop calling me.
If it's Mom,
get Dad to drink the healthy tea.
Everyone else, please leave a message.
Okay, leave a message.
Hi, Grace. Please call me
when you hear this message.
Nothing really urgent, but...
...we haven't spoken--
-Congratulations, Vice-President!
Your promotion is official!
My family's from the Hunan Province.
After the war,
my husband and I moved to Shanghai.
There was a Tong De girls' school
in Shanghai. We lived behind that alley.
My husband also loved to cook.
He was just very unlucky.
After we came to Taiwan,
he got stomach cancer and passed away.