Takin' a break from
the MTV generation, huh?
Can't say as I blame ya.
People are always puttin'
too much water in these things.
So, um, you and your son seem to be,
uh, gettin' along just hunky-dory, huh?
Yeah, it's been great.
You know, it's funny, but none
of your techniques worked for me.
Harder I tried,
the worse it got.
Once I eased up,
things just clicked.
Oh, that's swell.
So there's no problems then, huh?
Not a one.
Well, that's... I...
I just hate to be the bearer
of bad news, but, uh...
- What is it, Pete?
- Your kid's dupin' ya.
- Whaddya mean?
- Well, I heard the little mutant
tellin' P. J...
that he changed the map,
so you're headin' straight to L.A., pal.
- What?
- Aw, you tried, Goof.
He's just a bad kid,
that's all.
- I don't believe you.
- What?
- I don't believe ya, Pete.
- Well, hey, don't take my word
for it. Check your map.
I don't need to check the map.
I trust my son.
You know, maybe Max isn't all the things
that you think a son should be...
but he loves me.
Hey, my son respects me.
Check the map, Goof.