A Little Princess

lt's not their fault.
l asked them to come.

You five go downstairs.
l'll deal with you later.
Becky. . .
. . .you'll remain locked in your room
tomorrow without meals.

And you will perform her chores
in addition to your own. . .

. . .without breakfast, lunch or dinner.
lt's time you learned. . .
. . .that real life has nothing to do
with your fantasy games.

lt's a cruel,
nasty world out there. . .

. . .and it's our duty
to make the best of it.

Not to indulge in ridiculous dreams,
but to be productive and useful.

Do you understand what l'm saying?
Yes, ma'am.
But l don't believe in it.
Don't tell me you still
fancy yourself a princess.

Good God, child, look around you!
Or better yet, look in the mirror.
l am a princess.
All girls are.
Even if they live
in tiny old attics.

Even if they dress in rags.
Even if they aren't pretty
or smart or young.

They're still princesses.
All of us.

Didn't your father ever tell you that?
Didn't he?
lf l find you up here
with the girls again. . .

. . .l'll throw you out
into the street!
