A Little Princess

Don't tell me you still
fancy yourself a princess.

Good God, child, look around you!
Or better yet, look in the mirror.
l am a princess.
All girls are.
Even if they live
in tiny old attics.

Even if they dress in rags.
Even if they aren't pretty
or smart or young.

They're still princesses.
All of us.

Didn't your father ever tell you that?
Didn't he?
lf l find you up here
with the girls again. . .

. . .l'll throw you out
into the street!

What're we going to do?
A whole day with nothing to eat.
Don't cry, Becky.
l'm scared.
lf Minchin throws me out,
l've got no place to go.

That's not true.
l'm here with you. l've always
thought of us as sisters.

You have?
Let's make a promise
to always look out for each other.

lt's a promise.
Now, what are we going to do
about food?
