Houston, we have cleared
the tower at 1313.
Okay, guys, we got it.
Come on, baby. Come on.
Altitude is on the line.
Velocity right on the line.
Roll complete. We are pitching.
Thirteen, stand by
for mode one Bravo.
FIDO, how we lookin'?
Looks good, Flight.
Right down the middle.
We see your B.P.C.
is clear, Thirteen.
Roger. E.D.S. to manual.
Get ready for a little jolt, fellas.
That was some little jolt.
Tower jett.
Houston, we've got a center engine
cutoff. Go on the other four.
Roger that, Thirteen.
We show the same.
Booster, can you
confirm that cutoff?
'- Roger. Looks like we lost it.
'- FIDO, what's that going to do?
Stand by, Flight.
I need to know if the l.U.'s
correcting for the shutdown.