Apollo 13

Get ready for a little jolt, fellas.
That was some little jolt.
Tower jett.
Houston, we've got a center engine
cutoff. Go on the other four.

Roger that, Thirteen.
We show the same.

Booster, can you
confirm that cutoff?

'- Roger. Looks like we lost it.
'- FIDO, what's that going to do?

Stand by, Flight.
I need to know if the l.U.'s
correcting for the shutdown.

Houston, what's the story
on engine five?

We're still go. We'll be all right
as long as we don't lose another one.

'- Roger that.
'- Thirteen, we're not sure
why the inboard was out...

but the other engines are go,
so we're gonna burn those engines...

a little bit longer.
Roger that.
Our gimbals are good.

Our trim is good.
Looks like we just had
our glitch for this mission.

'- 13, stand by for staging.
'- Roger that.

S'-2 shutdown. S'-4B ignition.
Thrust looks good, Flight.
Flight, S'-4B cutoff
in ten seconds.

Thirteen, this is Houston.
Predicted cutoff is 12 plus 34, over.

Coming up on 12 minutes 34.
