Apollo 13

Houston, we had a pretty large bang
there associated with a master alarm.

Shit, it's main bus A.
'- Main bus A undervolt?
'- Main bus A undervolt down to'-'-

It's reading 25 and a half.
Main bus B is reading zip now.

We got a wicked shimmy up here.
These guys are talking
about bangs and shimmies.

Doesn't sound like instrumentation.
'- You are breaking up, 13.
'- Can't get this hatch to seal.

Just stow it. If we'd been hit
by a meteor, we'd be dead by now.

I'm gonna try to get us
out of this lurch.

Houston, did you say
switch to omni Bravo?

'- Roger that, Thirteen.
'- The signal strength went way down.

It's fighting me. What's the story?
We keep flirting with gimbal lock.

We need a confirmation.
What systems do you have down?

'- I'm having a hard time, Rick.
'- S.M.R.C.S. Helium one.

'- Did you say switch to omni Charlie?
'- A and C are barber pole.

Houston, I'm switching over
quad C to main A.

Roger that, Thirteen.
Okay, Houston, fuel cell one,
fuel cell three.

We got a main bus B undervolt,
cryo pressure, suit compressor.

What don't we have?
A.C. bus one, A.C. bus two...

command module computer
and O2 flow high.

I don't know. Maybe this is
a caution and warning failure.

Houston, we are venting
something out into space.

I can see it outside
of window one right now.

It's definitely, uh...
a gas of some sort.

It's got to be the oxygen.
Roger, Odyssey.
We copy your venting.

'- Give me an alignment.
'- Let's think about the kind
of things we can connect.

'- Let's start back at the beginning.
'- Anything look abnormal?
