What don't we have?
A.C. bus one, A.C. bus two...
command module computer
and O2 flow high.
I don't know. Maybe this is
a caution and warning failure.
Houston, we are venting
something out into space.
I can see it outside
of window one right now.
It's definitely, uh...
a gas of some sort.
It's got to be the oxygen.
Roger, Odyssey.
We copy your venting.
'- Give me an alignment.
'- Let's think about the kind
of things we can connect.
'- Let's start back at the beginning.
'- Anything look abnormal?
Okay, listen up. Quiet down, people.
Quiet down. Quiet down.
Let's stay cool, people.
Procedures, I need another
computer up in the R.T.C.C.
I want everybody to alert
your support teams.
Wake up anybody you need
and get them in here.
Let's work the problem, people.
Let's not make things worse
by guessin'.
13, this is Houston. We are going around
the room. We're gonna get you answers.
We keep venting, we're gonna keep
hitting the edge of that deadband.
Take a look at the O2
on number one.
200 pounds and falling.
O2 tank two still zero.
'- Tank one: 218 psi and falling.
'- Is that what you're gettin'? Confirm.
'- We're seeing the same, 13.
'- Can we review our status, Sy?
Let's look at this thing
from a standpoint of status.