Okay, Houston, I have completed
the steps on page 15.
Now I'm ready
to power down the computer.
I'm gonna need
your gimbal angles, Jack...
'- before you shut down the computer!
'- Okay, Jim.
I need this back to me
before they power down.
All right, all right.
I got it. Hold on.
'- Houston, our computer is up.
'- Roger. Stand by.
Jack, we need to proceed with
steps 12 through 17 quickly.
You're down to about
eight minutes remaining.
Fuel cell pump's off.
O2 fans, tank two off.
Okay, Houston, check me. I have
completed these gimbal conversions...
but I need a double check
of the arithmetic.
'- Yeah, you can go, Jim.
'- The roll CAL angle is minus two.
Lunar module roll is 355.57.
Pitch: 1678'-'- Correction.
Pitch: 167.78.
'- Yaw is 351.87.
'- Stand by. We're checking it.
We've got negative visibility
in our star field,
and if this paperwork isn't right,
who knows where we'll end up out here?
Looks good, Flight.
'- It's all right.
'- Good here.
'- He's good, Andy.
'- We'll go on those numbers.
'- You're good.
'- Log them in, Freddo.
Jack, turn off the l.M.U.
Switch to S.C.S.
Stand by to turn off
the thrusters. Over.
It's a great day in New York.
It's girl watchers' weather.
I like those ingenious girl watchers
who put on Con Edison helmets...
and dig trenches in the street
to get a better view.
But I'-'- Hey, speaking
of girl watching,
did you know that our first bachelor
astronaut is on his way to the moon?
Is it Swigert?
Yeah, first bachelor.
He's the kind, they say, has a girl
in every port. He has that reputation.
He's sort of foolishly optimistic,
taking nylons, Hershey bars to the moon.
Did you read
that three million'-'-
What do you say?
Less viewers or fewer viewers?