
No, thanks. I won't have any.
I'm just going to have some coffee.

You know what? I forgot to tell you.
We got our pictures.
Let's see what we have here.
This is good. I like this one.
It's your good side. Look.
That's not so bad.
And you say you don't photograph well.
I don't have time
to talk about this right now.

-You never have time to talk about it!
-That is not true!

But now is not a good time!
I wanted to talk about this
last night and you didn't!

I had to get my sleep!
Hi, Mrs. Slattery. What you making?
Every time we start talking about this we--
Why'd you bring it up?
...what are you doing?
Don't walk away,
because we're going to have it out.

You're not helping matters here.
You're not.

Stop it!
You're so concerned about
what your mother thinks.

You want to slam doors?
Room 115.
I have the disk.
The buyers arrive at noon. Flight 1055.
I'll attempt contact at 12:30
and every 15 minutes after that.

Do you have hard copy images?
Yes. What do I call the principal?
-Call him Remy. How'll they know?
-They'll know.

Try and trace that one.
