Poor baby.
Hi. Welcome. How are you today?
Keep the car handy.
Is there anything else I can do for you?
Let me get your ticket here.
-Need help with your bags?
-No, I got it.
You need your ticket.
Here's your ticket. Thanks.
I hated that restaurant.
What a terrible place.
I didn't like anything about it.
All those foreigners.
What an awful, awful restaurant.
Don't make another reservation there.
You can certainly find a better spot.
Fourth floor.
You're welcome, baby. My pleasure.
Arriving passenger Remy,
please go to a white courtesy phone.
Passenger Remy,
please go to a white courtesy phone.
This is Remy.
Are you ready to go shopping on the
Home Network? Price is $40,000.
Where are you?
Are you ready? Yes or no.
The Marriott Hotel. There are pay
phones across from the elevators.
You've got 20 minutes,
give or take 10 seconds.