
[ Narrator ] A dark cloud
had descended on the valley.

And the pig felt that
the troubles were all his fault.

But he was certain that he knew
how to put things right again.

Oh, uh,
e-excuse me, sir.

But l-l-l think
all this trouble--

- [ Snarling, Growling ]
- [ Squealing ]

[ Man ] Well, it's not distemper.
Can't be rabies.

Must be the hormones.
- What about Hoggett's notion,
the dog jealous of the wee pig?
- l don't see that myself.

[ Mrs. Hoggett ]
No. So what should we do?

You can keep him locked up
or... snip, snip. l can do it Tuesday.

Or Wednesday.
Hoggett doesn't want the dog
operated on. He's a breeding dog.

l can sedate him,
of course,

but he'll be useless
as a working dog.

- [ Groans ]
- [ Vet ] l'll give you pills
to put in his food.

Good dog.
[ Together ]
The Sheep Pig.

[ Bleating ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Oinks ]
[ Narrator ]
A pig doing the work of a sheepdog?

With Rex out of action
and Fly injured from the fight,
Farmer Hoggett had no choice.
