Or Wednesday.
Hoggett doesn't want the dog
operated on. He's a breeding dog.
l can sedate him,
of course,
but he'll be useless
as a working dog.
- [ Groans ]
- [ Vet ] l'll give you pills
to put in his food.
Good dog.
[ Together ]
The Sheep Pig.
[ Bleating ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Oinks ]
[ Narrator ]
A pig doing the work of a sheepdog?
With Rex out of action
and Fly injured from the fight,
Farmer Hoggett had no choice.
Maa! Maa! The boss has
to give you some medicine.
Oh, dear, l thought so!
lt's horrible stuff, that.
- l know, but it's for the best.
- Young'un, if you say so.
Shoo! Shoo!
[ Narrator ]
When the thought first came to him,
Farmer Hoggett dismissed it
as mere whimsy.
But, like most of his harebrained
ideas, it wouldn't go away.
- [ Babe ] What are they doing?
- [ Fly ] lt's a sheepdog trial.
[ Babe ] So it's like
a competition for sheepdogs?
[ Fly ] And their bosses.
lt's like an obstacle course.
How do they decide
who wins?
lt's time and mistakes.
You get points for how quick you are.