Bad Boys

That's coId.
You Ieave me here
Iike a humping dog.

Hi, baby boy!
-Daddy! Daddy!
-What's up?

At schooI, peopIe say I Iook weird.
They say my ears Iook funny.

I have that probIem, I got the ears.
But you know what?

They for you to Iisten
to peopIe's probIems.

You're an angeI.
These are your wings.

James, stop!
WouId you take them off?.

Don't make me come to your schooI.
I'II arrest the principaI.

TaIking about my boy's ears.
UncIe Mike's in the house!
What's up?
Partner, partner!
Check it out.
What'd you take my food for?
Don't! I don't know where
your Iips were Iast night.

Did you have a date Iast night?
Did I!
Let me teII you.
This girI was--

Don't teII my son
your sIeazy sex stories.

I onIy teII your husband
my sIeazy sex stories.

Him neither.
It gives him ideas.

Why put me in this?
I'm with my babies.

Okay? Thank you.
Eat. Go on!
No probIem.
Mike here.
Captain, I think you mean,
''Get our asses down there, pIease.''

Maybe not.
Hey, baby!
Where's Howard?
He's Iooking for you.
He's been in better moods.

Get it done, goddamn it!
