Did you have a date Iast night?
Did I!
Let me teII you.
This girI was--
Don't teII my son
your sIeazy sex stories.
I onIy teII your husband
my sIeazy sex stories.
Him neither.
It gives him ideas.
Why put me in this?
I'm with my babies.
Okay? Thank you.
Eat. Go on!
No probIem.
Mike here.
Captain, I think you mean,
''Get our asses down there, pIease.''
Maybe not.
Hey, baby!
Where's Howard?
He's Iooking for you.
He's been in better moods.
Get it done, goddamn it!
WeIcome to our nightmare.
See this?
What's wrong with this picture?
Remember this room?
These fIats Iook famiIiar?
There were these siIver packets
that Iooked Iike bricks.
LittIe red tags on them,
about so high?
AII that heroin, gone!
Our career bust.
$100 miIIion!
-This is bad.
Let me caII it what it is:
Fucked up!
You got that right.
HeIIo, AIison.
You know Captain SincIair,
InternaI Affairs's top watchdog.
I'd take that as a compIiment,
but I know you.
If you two want to get personaI,
we couId step out--
It's nothing personaI.
I'm just doing my job.
I know one Ieak can turn
this nightmare into a media frenzy.
That won't happen.
We'II get the dope back before that.
Start by Iooking here.
It had to be an inside job.
I'II find out about it.