I don't know about that.
I'm out of the drug business.
You know something.
I just said ''no'' to drugs.
You said ''no'' to drugs!
What you into, Jo?
You're seIIing tires, huh?
You know nothing?
Jojo don't know nothing.
I know tires.
-You teIIing the truth?
-WouId I Iie to you?
Hey! You driving.
This is a waste of time.
In Maxie's Iine of work
she definiteIy gets the 41 1 .
Maxie! How'd I know
I'd find you here?
We got to taIk.
Where can we taIk?
The equipment room?
-Behave yourseIf.
-I'm cooI.
Listen, I need some heIp.
What eIse is new?.
Some major iII shit
happened down at the P.D.
There's Iots of heroin
and cash invoIved.
There'II be some joIIy young men
who want to party.
What do you need?
Lots of peopIe
wiII taIk to you, not me.
You mean customers?
Don't get in any wiId shit.
Just caII if you hear something.
I think I wiII.
What are you doing?
Trying to keep my shit quick.
Right, you ain't getting none at home.
You got extra energy.