Bad Boys

Listen, I need some heIp.

What eIse is new?.
Some major iII shit
happened down at the P.D.

There's Iots of heroin
and cash invoIved.

There'II be some joIIy young men
who want to party.

What do you need?
Lots of peopIe
wiII taIk to you, not me.

You mean customers?
Don't get in any wiId shit.
Just caII if you hear something.

I think I wiII.
What are you doing?
Trying to keep my shit quick.
Right, you ain't getting none at home.
You got extra energy.

We got anything?
Sanchez says the air conditioning
contract went to...

...ManueI Arrona of Key Biscayne.
He works out of his house this week.
That's the number.

He's not answering.
I guess we shouId Ieave.
Make a trip aII the way here
to high society for nothing?

No, man.
We can peek in the windows.

That's okay.
-I tripped.
-The handIe just opened?

Right after I tripped.
They must want us to come in.

Take a peek.
We're your new neighbours.
Don't be aIarmed.
We're Negroes.

No man!
Too much bass in your voice.

That scares white foIks.
Sound Iike them.

We were wondering if we can
borrow some brown sugar.
