Look, baby, I know
quaIity time was my idea.
Don't talk about it.
HoId on, babe.
I need a fuII fiIe on Eddie Dominguez.
Just a minute.
l got on the red one.
The red one? With the snaps?
CouIdn't you wait?
You're neverhome.
All his files are blocked.
I don't care about his personaI fiIes.
He's dead. UnbIock it.
Screw you, that's illegal.
No, screw you!
Are you talking to me?
No, it's a term you use.
''Screw you'' is a cop term.
You ain't screwing nothing!
Goddamn it!
Where's Lowrey?
I just paged him.
He's foIIowing up
this Lois FieIds Iead.
The madam?
Requesting backup.
614 Reach Road.