Goddamn it!
Where's Lowrey?
I just paged him.
He's foIIowing up
this Lois FieIds Iead.
The madam?
Requesting backup.
614 Reach Road.
That might be him.
Lowrey's desk.
I need to taIk
to Detective Mike Lowrey.
Can l help you?
You can get me Detective Lowrey.
Is this another paternity case?
No, it's another murder case,
you twerp!
You mean the murder case
at the BiItmore tonight?
l'vejust seen my best friend murdered.
I'II onIy taIk to Mike Lowrey.
Why onIy Mike Lowrey?
None of your business.
I taIk to Lowrey or I bIow town.
Mike, phone! TeIephone!
He's coming right now.
HoId on.
I ain't got time.
This is the witness from the hoteI.
He just got out of the john.
HoId on.
-TaIk to her now or she'II waIk.
-I can't be Mike.
She's going to waIk out.
-This is our witness.
-CaIm down!