This is Lowrey.
He doesn't taIk that way.
TaIk Iike him.
You don't sound sexy enough.
You don't know me.
My name's JuIie Mott.
I was Max Logan's best friend.
CaIm down, caIm down.
TaIk to me now.
She said if she ever needed anything....
I need your heIp.
Give me the address.
AII right.
It'II be okay.
Mike's to the rescue.
I'm on the way.
-I'II find Lowrey.
-I can't go.
You got to go!
Get Mike to handIe this.
Get to this address now.
Get up!
You won't see your wife for a month!
Get up!
Get this fucking door fixed!
Mike Lowrey.
No, easy.
Mike Lowrey.
Who's there?
Mike Lowrey.
How do I know it's Lowrey?
'Cause, I'm Mike Lowrey!
We ain't got much time.
HoId your badge up to the peephoIe.
I won't Iet you in untiI you do.
No way!
-What was that for?
-You're not him!
What do you mean?!
You've never met him!
Max described you differentIy!