Get this fucking door fixed!
Mike Lowrey.
No, easy.
Mike Lowrey.
Who's there?
Mike Lowrey.
How do I know it's Lowrey?
'Cause, I'm Mike Lowrey!
We ain't got much time.
HoId your badge up to the peephoIe.
I won't Iet you in untiI you do.
No way!
-What was that for?
-You're not him!
What do you mean?!
You've never met him!
Max described you differentIy!
I'm undercover!
Prove it!
I know Max from way back.
I heIped her brother get out ofjaiI.
Sometimes we got together
to bump and grind....
Give me the bat!
You don't want to beIieve me?
You go at this shit aIone!
I forgot.
The bad guys probabIy
know where you Iive...
...and are coming for you.
Good Iuck!
I saw the whoIe thing.
I watched him shoot her
Iike she was nothing.
Shut the door.
Look, Iady.
You ain't got
no more bats, goIf cIubs...
...or anything Iike that
to swing at me, do you?
I knew Max, okay?