I'II deveIop amnesia. I suddenIy
feeI a case of it coming on.
Fine, where wouId you feeI safe?
You want to do protective custody?
In-home protective custody,
at your pIace. I can handIe that.
Yeah, my pIace.
My pIace is--
No way!
Yeah, my pIace is the shit.
Mike Lowrey's pIace.
You right.
That's the best idea
you came up with tonight.
Wait here.
Wait here.
Detective Burnett!
How are you?
Mr. Lowrey's not here.
He said I couId use his pIace.
He didn't mention it to me.
Who's the chick?
How's your wife?
Fine, she's fine.
Your kids, they're good?
FamiIy's the most important thing.
Is it?
Mr. Lowrey said you got a baby factory
going on at your house.
Here you go.
If that ain't enough,
I'II run you in for extortion.
You know,
I'm so stupid sometimes.
Now that you mention it,
Mr. Lowrey mentioned you'd come by.
Did he say he had a key?
Hang out.
-Is this it?
You're hurting me.
-Thank you. Good to see you.
-Good to see you.
Have fun.
It's not Iike that.
It's not Iike that.
Come on.
Watch your step up through here.
I must've Ieft some incense burning.
WeIcome to Casa de Lowrey.
This is kind of....
I'm aIways moving my switches.
I'm aIways decorating, so sometimes
I just don't know where shit is.