Wait, are you going to
Ieave me here aIone?
I must go to the P.D.
These are Miami's
peak crime hours, you know.
They said this deaI was going down
in 4 days, and I, you know...
...obviousIy seem to be kind of
a major gIitch in their--
You ain't with the bad guys now.
You're with the cops.
With Mike Lowrey. You with the cops.
Everything wiII be aII right.
Trust me.
I'II be back.
I know that it's no time to joke,
but remember in the movie when...?
AII right, aII right.
Thanks for everything, Mike.
I'm going.
You're one of those in and out guys.
It's not Iike that, Chet.
-She's a witness.
-Keep an eye out.
-No probIem.
Listen to me. Hear me.
-That's right.
AII right, the moment Lowrey gets in,
you have him caII me at home.
-At my home.
-CaII you at home.
Don't Iet him go upstairs.
What? But he Iives here.
I couId Iose my job.
Chet, trust me on this, okay?
CaII you from here.
Don't Iet him up.
-No probIem.
-Important witness.
Thank you.
I got an idea. I'm off in 2 hours,
I couId go upstairs...
...and watch the door.
Like cops do in the movies.
I got a magazine and everything.
And I don't Iet anybody in or out.
AII kidding aside, I want to heIp.
You're heIping.
Do that from here. Can you?
Yes, I can.
That heIps. From here, okay?
It's funny that you ask me,
because I was going to be a cop.
I took the test and everything.
Just didn't work out.
I know, you're my deputy.
-I am.
-From here.
Watch out.
Take care, chief.