Bad Boys

-That's right.

AII right, the moment Lowrey gets in,
you have him caII me at home.

-At my home.
-CaII you at home.

Don't Iet him go upstairs.
What? But he Iives here.
I couId Iose my job.
Chet, trust me on this, okay?
CaII you from here.
Don't Iet him up.
-No probIem.
-Important witness.

Thank you.
I got an idea. I'm off in 2 hours,
I couId go upstairs...

...and watch the door.
Like cops do in the movies.
I got a magazine and everything.
And I don't Iet anybody in or out.

AII kidding aside, I want to heIp.
You're heIping.
Do that from here. Can you?

Yes, I can.
That heIps. From here, okay?

It's funny that you ask me,
because I was going to be a cop.

I took the test and everything.
Just didn't work out.

I know, you're my deputy.
-I am.
-From here.

Watch out.
Take care, chief.
I'm a deputy.
Don't ''honey-baby'' me,
you smeII Iike perfume.

And you don't have
your wedding ring on!

I went undercover...
...and it required
taking off the ring.

I got the ring. I put my hand
in my pocket to get it...

...and it's right back on.
Can I get a piIIow?.
If it isn't the guy
who doesn't return phone caIIs.

Where you been
the Iast 12 hours?

I paged you aII night!
We got a situation here
that you need to know about.

Look, Marcus...
...I got a dead madam, a concussion
and a bad headache.

Let me teII you what I did Iast night.
I had to sIeep on my couch.
I woke up with a Power Ranger in my ass.

WhiIe we're discussing my ass,
I damn near got it bIown off.

The good news is I got a witness.
