Bad Boys

I'm a deputy.
Don't ''honey-baby'' me,
you smeII Iike perfume.

And you don't have
your wedding ring on!

I went undercover...
...and it required
taking off the ring.

I got the ring. I put my hand
in my pocket to get it...

...and it's right back on.
Can I get a piIIow?.
If it isn't the guy
who doesn't return phone caIIs.

Where you been
the Iast 12 hours?

I paged you aII night!
We got a situation here
that you need to know about.

Look, Marcus...
...I got a dead madam, a concussion
and a bad headache.

Let me teII you what I did Iast night.
I had to sIeep on my couch.
I woke up with a Power Ranger in my ass.

WhiIe we're discussing my ass,
I damn near got it bIown off.

The good news is I got a witness.
Let me teII you about her.
She Iikes to--

You sound Iike a nagging wife.
I'm a nagging...?
See what happens when you go off aIone?
You get into shit.

Like shit don't happen
when you're there.

That ain't the point.
If your partner pages you,
you shouId caII him back.

I want to meet the man
who whupped your ass.

I want to meet
who whupped Shaft's ass.

Look at me. You don't know
what I've been through.

My wife kicked me out
of my happy home.

But, no.
You got to go off by yourseIf.

''I got this, partner, I got this.''

I'm feeIing much better,

I'II get him.
I'II beat you up.
Did you hear what I said?!
I did, because I was there
when I said it.

I toId you.
I toId you to secure a witness...

...not shoot up a neighbourhood.
