Oh, no.
(Muk) He says he's glad to see you.
We love you, Uncle Boris.
Aaah! Ooh-hoo-hoo!
(Continues whimpering)
What?! Of course he's glad to see us.
He loves us... don't you?
Oy. OK, OK.
Hey, boychicks, uh, let's play a game.
Yes, please, Uncle Boris.
Race you to the shore.
One, two, three, go!
(Laughing) Yeah!
- They win.
- (Splashing)
(Muk) Help! Help! We can't swim!
Help! Help! We're drowning!
Save us, please!
- Fellas! Idiot balls of fluff!
- Easy, Boris. You know how they are.
Muk! Luk!
Relax! Come on, you're OK.
You're not drowning.
He has point, bears.
You are not drowning.
If you will pause one moment
you will observe...
tide is out!
He said what?
Oh, the shame of the polar bear
who fears the water.
No wonder we are shunned
by our fellow bear. Woe is us!
It's what he said.
Kind of pathetic, really.
- (Luk whimpers)
- What, more whimpering?
Between you and Balto, it's like
Dostoevsky novel here. Lighten up.
And what is so interesting?
- Jenna.
- Is love.
So go make move.
When the angels' balalaikas
strum the sweet song of love, mambo!