Despite a valiant effort
last night by Batman...
...Harvey Two-Face is still at large
and extremely dangerous.
In other news today...
...billionaire Bruce Wayne extended
his profit-sharing program...
...to the employees of the successful
electronics branch of Wayne Enterprises.
Mr. Wayne.
Your inspections are
a departmentaI highIight.
Oh, my God, it's him.
I am a winner. I am a winner.
I am a winner.
I am a winner.
Bioremediation. AIternative fueI.
Mr. Wayne, Iook at that time.
Perhaps we shouId get to R & D
as soon as possibIe.
Oh, Bruce Wayne.
No, that's my name. And you are?
Edward Nygma. You hired me personaIIy.
Just Iike I teII everyone.
We've never actuaIIy met, but your name
was on the hiring sIip. I have it.
I need that hand back.
Oh, yes, of course.
I'm sorry.
It's just that...
...you're my idoI.
Back to work.
And some peopIe have been trying
to keep us apart.
Back to work.
It's okay.
What's on your mind?
What's on aII our minds?
Brain waves.
The future...
...of Wayne Enterprises...
...is brain waves.
I must apoIogize, Mr. Wayne.