Oh, Bruce Wayne.
No, that's my name. And you are?
Edward Nygma. You hired me personaIIy.
Just Iike I teII everyone.
We've never actuaIIy met, but your name
was on the hiring sIip. I have it.
I need that hand back.
Oh, yes, of course.
I'm sorry.
It's just that...
...you're my idoI.
Back to work.
And some peopIe have been trying
to keep us apart.
Back to work.
It's okay.
What's on your mind?
What's on aII our minds?
Brain waves.
The future...
...of Wayne Enterprises...
...is brain waves.
I must apoIogize, Mr. Wayne.
-I terminated his project today.
-It's okay.
I have it!
My invention...
...beams any TV signaI directIy
into the human brain.
By stimuIating neurons,
manipuIating brain waves...
...this device makes the audience
feeI Iike they're inside the show.
Why be brutaIized by an uncaring worId?
Did you say ''manipuIating brain waves''?
...someone Iike you wouId never need it.
Someone so...
...inteIIigent, witty and...
I need a bit of additionaI funding
for human triaIs. Let me show you, pIease!
Now, Iisten...
...I want a fuII set of technicaI schematics
on this, okay?