I sent the signaI.
What's wrong?
Last night at the bank I noticed
something about Two-Face:
His coin.
It's his AchiIIes' heeI.
It can be expIoited.
I know.
You caIIed me for this?
The BatsignaI is not a beeper.
I wish I couId say that my interest
in you was...
...pureIy professionaI.
Are you trying to get under my cape?
A girI can't Iive by psychoses aIone.
It's the car, right? Chicks Iove it.
What is it about the wrong kind of man?
In grade schooI: guys with earrings.
CoIIege: motorcycIes, Ieather jackets.
...bIack rubber.
Try a fireman. Less to take off.
I don't mind the work.
Pity I can't see behind the mask.
We aII wear masks.
My Iife's an open book. You read?
I don't bIend in at a famiIy picnic.
We couId give it a try. I'II bring the wine...
...you bring your scarred psyche.
Direct, aren't you?
You Iike strong women.
I've done my homework.
Or do I need skintight vinyI and a whip?
I haven't had much Iuck with women.
Maybe you just haven't met
the right woman.
I saw the signaI.
-What's going on?
FaIse aIarm.
Are you sure?