My Iife's an open book. You read?
I don't bIend in at a famiIy picnic.
We couId give it a try. I'II bring the wine...
...you bring your scarred psyche.
Direct, aren't you?
You Iike strong women.
I've done my homework.
Or do I need skintight vinyI and a whip?
I haven't had much Iuck with women.
Maybe you just haven't met
the right woman.
I saw the signaI.
-What's going on?
FaIse aIarm.
Are you sure?
Now I've got it!
''Too many questions.
There's too many questions.
''Too many....''
I'II show you it works!
What the heII is going on here?
I toId you this project is terminated!
I'm caIIing Security!
Caffeine wiII kiII you!
Rise and shine, IittIe guinea pig.
What are you doing?
Untie me!
This won't hurt.
At Ieast, I don't think it wiII.
What are you doing?
You touch that switch and--