I'm sorry.
You...sounded Iike you were in...
...you know, troubIe.
I prefer heaIthy expressions of vioIence
as opposed to breaking in.
...how can I heIp you?
Someone's been sending me Iove Ietters.
One at my office and one at my home.
Commissioner Gordon thought
you might give me your opinion.
A cIock.
''Tear one off and scratch my head.
''What once was red is bIack instead.''
A match.
My opinion: this Ietter writer is a wacko.
Is that a technicaI term?
Patient may suffer from obsession...
...with potentiaI homicidaI tendencies.
Is that better for you?
So, what you're saying is...
...this guy's a totaI wacko.
He's obsessed with you.
His onIy escape may be
to purge the fixation.
To kiII me.
I think you understand obsession
better than you Iet on.
You Iike bats?
That's a Rorschach, Mr. Wayne.
An inkbIot.
PeopIe see what they want.
The question is: do you Iike bats?
StiII pIaying with doIIs?
She's a MaIaysian dream warden.
Some cuItures beIieve she protects you
from bad dreams.