My opinion: this Ietter writer is a wacko.
Is that a technicaI term?
Patient may suffer from obsession...
...with potentiaI homicidaI tendencies.
Is that better for you?
So, what you're saying is...
...this guy's a totaI wacko.
He's obsessed with you.
His onIy escape may be
to purge the fixation.
To kiII me.
I think you understand obsession
better than you Iet on.
You Iike bats?
That's a Rorschach, Mr. Wayne.
An inkbIot.
PeopIe see what they want.
The question is: do you Iike bats?
StiII pIaying with doIIs?
She's a MaIaysian dream warden.
Some cuItures beIieve she protects you
from bad dreams.
It's siIIy to you, I'm sure.
You Iook so sad.
Do you need one?
Me? No. Why wouId I?
You're not exactIy what you seem,
are you?
What is it you reaIIy came here for?
Yikes, time's up.
That's usuaIIy my Iine.
I'd Iove to stay here chatting--
WouId you?
I'm not so sure.
I must get you out of those cIothes.
Excuse me?
And into a bIack dress.
TeII me, Doctor, do you Iike the circus?