That is, if you'II...
...spare my Iife for just a few moments.
Thank you.
I Iove what you've done with this pIace.
Heavy MetaI meets House and Garden.
It's so dark and Gothic and...
...disgustingIy decadent.
Yet so bright and chipper and...
It's so you!
And yet, so you!
Very few peopIe are both a summer
and a winter, but...
...but you puII it off niceIy.
What's the point?
Has anyone ever toId you, you have
a serious impuIse-controI probIem?
This is the point.
This is how I found you.
Let me demonstrate.
This is your brain on The Box.
This is my brain on The Box.
Does anyone eIse feeI Iike a fried egg?
I'II have more.
There's more. But onIy the first one's free.
Here's the bargain:
You'II heIp me steaI production capitaI...
...so I can put a Box on every TV in town...
...and become Gotham's cIeverest,
carbon-based Iife form!
And in return....