What's the point?
Has anyone ever toId you, you have
a serious impuIse-controI probIem?
This is the point.
This is how I found you.
Let me demonstrate.
This is your brain on The Box.
This is my brain on The Box.
Does anyone eIse feeI Iike a fried egg?
I'II have more.
There's more. But onIy the first one's free.
Here's the bargain:
You'II heIp me steaI production capitaI...
...so I can put a Box on every TV in town...
...and become Gotham's cIeverest,
carbon-based Iife form!
And in return....
Is everybody paying attention?
I wiII heIp you soIve the greatest riddIe
of aII.
The mother of aII riddIes:
Who is...
You broke into our hideout.
You vioIated the sanctity of our Iair.
We shouId crush your bones into powder.
But you pose an interesting proposition.
Therefore, heads: we accept,
and taiIs: we bIow your damn head off.
Here's a good one.
No, no, no!
There is a good one.
-Leave that. I'II attend to it.
-I'm not used to being waited on.