Batman Forever

Is everybody paying attention?
I wiII heIp you soIve the greatest riddIe
of aII.

The mother of aII riddIes:
Who is...
You broke into our hideout.
You vioIated the sanctity of our Iair.
We shouId crush your bones into powder.
But you pose an interesting proposition.
Therefore, heads: we accept,
and taiIs: we bIow your damn head off.

Here's a good one.
No, no, no!
There is a good one.
-Leave that. I'II attend to it.
-I'm not used to being waited on.

Don't shoot me!
Don't eyebaII me! Give me that!
Two-Face, show me how to punch a guy!
It's dead simpIe, my boy.
BaII up your fist, reach back...

...and assert yourseIf.
That Iooks fun. Let me try.
BaII up the fist, reach way back...
assert yourseIf.

One hundred thousand,
two hundred and twenty.

One hundred and....
I Iost count!
Last night another robbery,
perpetrated by the Green-Suited Menace...

...resulting in millions in diamonds stolen,
with no sign of Batman.
