Come on, run!
Doesn't Batman ever kiss the girI?
Thanks, you saved my Iife!
I couId definiteIy get
into this superhero gig.
It shouId've been you!
If you had toId Two-Face who you were
at the circus...
...they'd stiII be aIive!
If Bruce Wayne couId've given his Iife
for your famiIy, he wouId have.
AII I can think about every day
is getting Two-Face.
He took my whoIe Iife.
When I was out there tonight...
...I imagined it was him I was fighting...
...even when I was fighting you...
...and the pain went away.
Do you understand?
Yes, I do.
You must heIp me find him.
When we do...
...I'm the one who kiIIs him.
So, you're wiIIing to take a Iife?
As Iong as it's Two-Face.
Then it wiII happen this way:
You make the kiII.
But your pain doesn't die with Harvey,
it grows.