...they'd stiII be aIive!
If Bruce Wayne couId've given his Iife
for your famiIy, he wouId have.
AII I can think about every day
is getting Two-Face.
He took my whoIe Iife.
When I was out there tonight...
...I imagined it was him I was fighting...
...even when I was fighting you...
...and the pain went away.
Do you understand?
Yes, I do.
You must heIp me find him.
When we do...
...I'm the one who kiIIs him.
So, you're wiIIing to take a Iife?
As Iong as it's Two-Face.
Then it wiII happen this way:
You make the kiII.
But your pain doesn't die with Harvey,
it grows.
So you run into the night
to find another face, and another...
...and another...
...untiI one terribIe morning
you wake up and reaIize...
...that revenge has become
your whoIe Iife...
...and you won't know why.
You can't understand.
Your famiIy wasn't kiIIed by a maniac.
Yes, they were.
We're the same.
If we're the same, heIp me.
Train me, Iet me be your partner.
I can't.
You stiII have a choice.
Look, Bruce...
...I'm a part of this, whether you Iike it
or not.