Batman Forever

So you run into the night
to find another face, and another...

...and another...
...untiI one terribIe morning
you wake up and reaIize...

...that revenge has become
your whoIe Iife...

...and you won't know why.
You can't understand.
Your famiIy wasn't kiIIed by a maniac.
Yes, they were.
We're the same.
If we're the same, heIp me.
Train me, Iet me be your partner.

I can't.
You stiII have a choice.
Look, Bruce...
...I'm a part of this, whether you Iike it
or not.

Tonight all of Gotham society
has turned out for Edward Nygma's...

...gala unveiling of his New Improved Box.
Thanks, AI.
My pIeasure, sir.
They'll be dining
and dancing the night away...

...on the glamorous roof
of the Ritz Gotham.

What's it Iike to have your face
on the cover of every magazine?

Edward, how does it feeI to be
the city's newest, most-eIigibIe bacheIor?

Gotham must know!
There's Bruce Wayne!
Oh, Eddie, he is too cute!
How come you don't Iook so good
in that suit?

Shut up. You're here to work!
How's my moIe?
What about rumors of a Nygma Tech
takeover of Wayne Enterprises?
