Into my head they'II go.
Victory is inevitabIe.
For if knowIedge is power...
...then a god...
Was that over the top? I can never teII.
By the way, I've seen your mind. Freak!
Yours is the greatest riddIe of aII!
Can Bruce Wayne and Batman
ever truIy coexist?
We'II find out today!
But first, Iet's meet our contestants.
Behind curtain...
...number one...
...the absoIuteIy fabuIous
Dr. Chase Meridian!
She enjoys hiking, manicures...
...and fooIishIy hopes to be the Iove
of Bruce's Iife.
Behind curtain number two...
...''Fatman's'' one and onIy partner.
This acrobat turned orphan...
...Iikes Saturday-morning cartoons
and dreams of one day being...
...bare-naked with a girI.
And beIow these contestants...
...my personaI favorite:
A watery grave.
Just one IittIe touch...
...and five seconds Iater
these two pIayers are...
...guII feed on the rocks beIow.
Not enough time to save them both.
Which one wiII it be, Batman?
Bruce's Iove?
Or the Dark Knight's junior partner?
There is no way for me to save them
or myseIf.