Behind curtain number two...
...''Fatman's'' one and onIy partner.
This acrobat turned orphan...
...Iikes Saturday-morning cartoons
and dreams of one day being...
...bare-naked with a girI.
And beIow these contestants...
...my personaI favorite:
A watery grave.
Just one IittIe touch...
...and five seconds Iater
these two pIayers are...
...guII feed on the rocks beIow.
Not enough time to save them both.
Which one wiII it be, Batman?
Bruce's Iove?
Or the Dark Knight's junior partner?
There is no way for me to save them
or myseIf.
It's aII one giant death-trap.
I'm sorry. Your answer must be
in the form of a question.
But thank you for pIaying.
I have a riddIe for you.
For me?
TeII me.
I see without seeing.
To me, darkness is as cIear as dayIight.
What am I?
You're as bIind as a bat!