-I mean, you and your friends could do one in Paris,
if you wanted to, I mean.
-Oh, sure.
I dunno, the key, the key.. the thing that kind of haunts me
is the distribution, y'know.
I mean, getting these tapes from town to town, city to city,
so that the play is continuous, cause it would have to play all
the time, or else it just wouldn't work.
-Tkank you
You know what? Not service oriented
an observation about Europe.
You know my parents have never really spoken of the possibility
of my falling in love, or getting married, or having children.
Even as a little girl, they wanted me to think of
a future career, as a, you know,
as a interior designer, or a lawyer, or something like that
I'd say to my dad, 'I want to be a writer.' and he'd say journalist.
I'd say I wanted to have a refuge for stray cats, and he'd say veterinarian.
I'd say I wanted to be an actress, and he'd say TV newscaster
It was this constant conversion of my fanciful ambition
into these practical, money-making ventures.
I always had a pretty good bullshit detector when I was a kid, y'know.
I always knew when they were lying to me, y'know.
By the time I was in high school, I was dead set on listening
to what everybody thought I should be doing with my life,
and just kind of doing just the opposite.
No one was ever mean about it. Its just, I could never get
very excited about other people's ambitions for my life.
But you know what, if your parents never really fully contradict
you about anything, and like are basically nice, and supportive...
It makes it even harder to officially complain. Y'know, even when they're wrong,
its this, its this passive-aggressive shit, you know what I mean
its... I hate it,
I really hate it.