Like museums, exhibitions, things...
But museums are not that funny any more these days, uh...
Uh, but they are closing right now.
How long are you going to be here?
Just for tonight.
Why did you come to Vienna?
What, uh, what could you be expecting?
We're on honeymoon.
Yeah, she got pregnant, we had to get married, y'know.
You know I don't believe you, you're a bad liar.
This is a play we're both in, and we would like to invite you.
You're actors?
No, not professional actors, uh, part-time actors, for fun.
It's a play about a cow, and an Indian searching for it.
-There are also in it politicians, Mexicans...
-Russians, Communists,
So, you have a real cow on stage.
No, not a real cow. Its an actor in a cow costume.
And he's the cow.
Yes, I am the cow. And the cow is a bit weird.
She's acting a bit strange, like a dog.
If someone throws a stick, she fetches it, and brings it back.
And she can smoke, with her hooves, and everything.
And as you see, there is the address. Its in the Second district.
Near the Prata. You know the Prata?
-Oh, the big Ferris Wheel?
-By the wheel, yes.
-Oh, we should go.
-Yes, the wheel, everybody knows the wheel.
Perhaps you can go to the Prata before the play. It starts at 21:30.
-That's 9:30.
-9:30? oh, right, right. Okay, great, well,
what's the name of this play?
It translates as 'Bring me the horns ...
... of Wilmington's cow'
Ja I'm Wilmington's cow.
-You'll be there?
-We'll try
-I'm the cow.
-You're the cow.
Alright, I got an idea. Are you ready?