Even though I reject most of the religious things
I can't help but feeling for all those people
that come here lost or in pain, guilt,
looking for some kind of answers
It fascinates me how a single place can join so
much pain and happiness for so many generations
You close with your grandmother?
I think its because I always...
I always have this strange feeling that I am this very old woman laying down about to die.
You know, that my life is
just her memories, or something.
That's so wild. I mean,
I always think that I'm still this 13 year old boy, y'know
who just doesn't really know how to be an adult, pretending
to live my life, taking notes for when I'll really have to do it.
Kind of like I'm in a dress rehearsal for a Junior High play.
That's funny.
Then, up there in the Ferris wheel, it was
-like this very old woman kissing this very young boy, right?
Do you know anything about the Quakers, the Quaker religion?
No, not much, no.
Well, I went to this Quaker wedding once, and it was fantastic.
What they do is the couple comes in and they
kneel down in front of the whole congregation,
and they just stare at each other,
and nobody says a word unless they feel that
God moves them to speak, or say something.
And then after an hour or so, of just, uh,
staring at each other, they're married.
That's beautiful. I like that.