Before Sunrise

to live my life, taking notes for when I'll really have to do it.
Kind of like I'm in a dress rehearsal for a Junior High play.
That's funny.
Then, up there in the Ferris wheel, it was
-like this very old woman kissing this very young boy, right?
Do you know anything about the Quakers, the Quaker religion?
No, not much, no.
Well, I went to this Quaker wedding once, and it was fantastic.
What they do is the couple comes in and they
kneel down in front of the whole congregation,

and they just stare at each other,
and nobody says a word unless they feel that
God moves them to speak, or say something.

And then after an hour or so, of just, uh,
staring at each other, they're married.
That's beautiful. I like that.
This is a horrible story.
Its not the appropriate place to tell it, but...
Well, I was driving around with this buddy of mine,
he was a big atheist, and we came to a stop, next to this homeless guy.
And my buddy takes out a 100 dollar bill, and leans out the window,
and he says, 'do you believe in God?'
And the guy looks at, uh, he looks at my friend, and he looks at the money,
he says, uh,
'Yes, I do.' My friend says, 'Wrong answer.' , and we drove away.
That's mean, no?
Yeah, uh, its, uh
