Z... Z...
Those are Zs.
They look like Rs to me.
That's not fair! Rizzuto is not a word.
He's a baseball player. You're cheating.
Would you like to try the word ''buzz''?
(children laugh )
I hate cursive and I hate all of you!
I'm never comin' back to school! Never!
(children laugh )
(Juanita ) Billy!
I swear, I'm sick. I can't go to school.
If you're gonna stay home today,
you could help me shave my armpits.
Oh, my God! I'll go to school.
O'Doyle rules!
- What's goin' on?
- Miss Vaughn's sick.
(teacher claps )
Please take your seats.
- Who's that guy?
- Principal Anderson.
As you can tell, Miss Vaughn is not feeling
well today, so I'll be taking her place.
But don't get your hopes up,
because I plan on teaching,...
..so I hope you plan on learning.
Now, who can tell me where we are
in our social-studies reader?