Hey, Tai! Wait up!
Are you O.K.?
Yeah. Where's your sense
of good hospitality?
That was so cool
the way you did that.
I wish I could do it.
Oh, no. Don't.
Why not?
If girls did it,
how would guys impress them?
I don't know, like...
What kind of stuff?
Tai, I need you.
Elton's over there.
? Rollin' with my homies?
? Rollin' with my homies??
Tai! Elton, help me!
Use this.
You guys should use ice.
Travis, we've got it under control!
Tai, are you O.K.?
Travis, Tai would have wanted you
to enjoy the party.
If it's a concussion,
keep her conscious.
Ask her questions.
What's 7 times 7?
Stuff she knows.
That's some bump you got there.
You ready to go back out there?
Yeah, I am.
You sure? Can you do this?
? Rollin' with the homies?
? Rollin' with the homies??
Good! Let's do it.
You're ready.
I had to give myself snaps
for all the good deeds I was doing.
It was great. Love was everywhere,