but I don't think this man's talking
to get his picture in the paper.
He seems to have a serious weed
up his ass and a legitimate gripe.
Always a dangerous combination.
And I think he's capable...
of doing every damn thing
he says he's going to do.
That's why we have to go out there
and give the man a moment of pause.
So ends theory.
Thus, let us begin the facts.
We've been informed by the NSA...
that an entire rebel corps
of the Russian Army is involved.
That's four armored divisions
numbering 60,000 men.
There seems to be
massive defections.
Vladimir seems to be winning the hearts
and minds of the Russian soldiers.
- Admiral.
- Thank you.
They've seized the region by the Chinese
and North Korean borders.
That includes a submarine base...
from which they've surged
four Akula-class attack subs.
They have acquired
a nuclear base at Artem...
that houses 25 hardened silos
for Russian ICBMs...
armed with up to
ten warheads apiece.
Now the Russian government has
assured us that talks are underway.
They claim that Radchenko forces
do not possess the launch codes.
But if Radchenko
were to crack them...
they could launch against
our west coast direct...
or come in over the Pole,
take out Washington and New York.
[Admiral] The Commander-in-Chief...
has directed U.S. Military forces...
to set DEFCON four.
We've been ordered
to get underway at 0600 hours...
to assume alert coverage, mid-Pacific,
the Far Eastern TVD target package.
Please keep your men informed.
Lieutenant Commander Hunter
is our new X.O.
Please bring him up to speed on
ship's personnel and supplies. Admiral?
- No, that's it.
- On your feet.
- [Door Closes]
- [Men Muttering]
- Here we go again, Commander.
- Thank you.
You bet. Hey, Bobby.
This is Bobby Dougherty. He's Supplies.