armed with up to
ten warheads apiece.
Now the Russian government has
assured us that talks are underway.
They claim that Radchenko forces
do not possess the launch codes.
But if Radchenko
were to crack them...
they could launch against
our west coast direct...
or come in over the Pole,
take out Washington and New York.
[Admiral] The Commander-in-Chief...
has directed U.S. Military forces...
to set DEFCON four.
We've been ordered
to get underway at 0600 hours...
to assume alert coverage, mid-Pacific,
the Far Eastern TVD target package.
Please keep your men informed.
Lieutenant Commander Hunter
is our new X.O.
Please bring him up to speed on
ship's personnel and supplies. Admiral?
- No, that's it.
- On your feet.
- [Door Closes]
- [Men Muttering]
- Here we go again, Commander.
- Thank you.
You bet. Hey, Bobby.
This is Bobby Dougherty. He's Supplies.
- Pleasure, Dougherty.
- Billy Linkletter, TSO.
- Mr. Linkletter.
- Commander.
- And you know Darik.
- Yes. Westergaurd. Long time no see.
- How's Julia?
- She's excellent.
- Good.
- And Roy Zimmer, Communications.
- Welcome aboard.
- Thank you.
- We served together on the Baton Rouge.
- Twice.
- That's right. We're lucky to have him.
- I think his dog gave me
the final seal of approval.
- He's crazy about that dog.
Takes him everywhere. The Navy looks
the other way 'cause he's Ramsey.
Navy looks the other way
'cause he's one of the few skippers
left who've seen combat.
- He took SEALS into Panama in '89.
- Tomahawks in the Gulf in '91.
- Took out eight or nine X.O. S in '94?
- Ouch.
- Last one caught what? Appendicitis?
- Yeah, right.
[Man Shouting]
- The Enemy Below.
- Robert Mitchum.
- And?
- And what?
- Robert Mitchum.
- Incomplete answer.
- The German guy with the white hair?
- Yeah. What's his name?
- Who was it?
- Curt Jurgens.