Fire in the galley! Chief of the watch,
sound the general alarm!
[Alarm Ringing]
[P.A.] Forward damage control, bring
additional fire extinguishers to the...
- [Coughing]
- Fire's out of control. He's hurtin'.
- You hit the kill switch?
- Couldn't get to it. Too hot.
[Fire Roaring, Men Shouting]
[Alarm Ringing]
[P.A.] Attention, all hands.
Fire has been contained.
Damage control party,
assess damage and report to Control.
- Initiate weapons system readiness test.
- Aye, sir.
[Tapping Keyboard]
All right, station a reflash watch.
This thing could flare back up again.
[Computer Beeping]
Conn/Radio: We are receiving
flash traffic emergency action message.
Recommend alert one.
Recommend alert one.
Alert one. Man battle stations missile
for weapons systems readiness test.
- Spin up all missiles.
- What the hell is he runnin'
a missile drill now for?
- You're in charge.
- Aye, sir.
[P.A.] Man battle stations missiles
for weapons system readiness test.
Spin up all missiles.
This is an exercise.
- [Men Chattering]
- Captain's in Control.