[P.A.] Attention, all hands.
Fire has been contained.
Damage control party,
assess damage and report to Control.
- Initiate weapons system readiness test.
- Aye, sir.
[Tapping Keyboard]
All right, station a reflash watch.
This thing could flare back up again.
[Computer Beeping]
Conn/Radio: We are receiving
flash traffic emergency action message.
Recommend alert one.
Recommend alert one.
Alert one. Man battle stations missile
for weapons systems readiness test.
- Spin up all missiles.
- What the hell is he runnin'
a missile drill now for?
- You're in charge.
- Aye, sir.
[P.A.] Man battle stations missiles
for weapons system readiness test.
Spin up all missiles.
This is an exercise.
- [Men Chattering]
- Captain's in Control.
I agree.
The message is properly formatted.
Sir, we have a properly formatted
emergency action message...
for weapons system
readiness test, sir.
- I concur, sir.
- Where's the X.O.?
- Sir.
- Good of you to make it, Mr. Hunter.
Get the authenticator.
Get the authenticator.
Let's go.
Sir, request permission
to authenticate.
Permission granted.
"Alpha, Alpha, Bravo,
Echo, Charlie, Zulu, Tango."
"Alpha, Alpha, Bravo, Echo,
Charlie, Zulu, Tango."
- Captain, message is authentic.
- I concur, sir.
- I agree.
- Message is authentic.